Saturday, June 29, 2013

Small pleasures = big success!


I finished the 5K race in 34:57, a huge accomplishment for me! AND, 12 whole minutes faster than last year! HAHA!  I felt invincible after.  I am trying to harness this feeling and carry it through the next several weeks of training.  It was just such validation to me that my hard work is making a positive impact!

In addition, my 3-year-old daughter (with the support of her daddy, of course), also finished her first 5K in 1:03!  He didn't carry her for any of it! Her face running across the finish line was glowing, happy, and unmatched by any other experience.  She can't wait to race again, she says. :)

As for me...I'm elated.  I'm actually bummed my training program scheduled a rest day tomorrow! But, I remained focused and am enjoying planning my training around weekends away, events, and other things that could get in the way.  Helps me feel I'm "doing" something to prepare! Soon... I'm officially going to register for the Detroit Women's Half Marathon.  I visit their site almost daily, reading the same information, but getting increasingly more excited nonetheless.  

Is it weird that in some way...I still cannot believe I'm going to do this?? HA!

Friday, June 28, 2013

5K Eve...

It's here:  the one-year anniversary of the very first race I ever ran.  The "Run The Plank 5K, 3 Miles of Faith."  Appropriately titled, as last year I thought I would die trying to finish it.  I remember in my "training" I was still at the Run 4 min/Walk 2 min approach.  I'm surprised I didn't run into more people, as when I was running I was staring at my watch willing those 4 minutes to go by faster!

This year is different, though.  I have finished 35-minute runs (still jogs, really) without stopping to walk, fears are getting the best of me and I'm doubting if I can finish tomorrow without stopping.  That, as well as my time, is really my goal for this race.  Last year's race, as I've mentioned before, was 46:43.  Certainly I'll come in under that this year...I just really hope it's under 35:00.  That'd be kind of aggressive for me,'s my desire anyway.  Last weekend I ran 3.2 miles in 35:11, but had paused for 2 minutes, so...does that count?? At any rate, I'm truly excited for this race.  The fact that I'm even looking forward to it means I'm doing better than last year, for goodness sake!

I read recently of the importance of your mantra to get you through to the end.  Runner's World wrote an article (The Magic of Mantras) with a formula to create your own positive, inspiring mantra if you don't already have one.  Do you?  I really want a meaningful phrase, but felt kind of silly behind it because it's difficult for me to still believe... Even the simplest, "You've got this! You can do this!" begs the question..."Can I?  Are you sure??"  So.  I'm in the market for something that'll get me through, potentially highlight some hidden confidence...and well, make me a believer.  :)

I came across another article chronicling a woman who would remind herself to "run for those who can't."  I liked that one.  My grandma can't run, barely walk in fact.  I think about how she would like to move as fast as I am believing is my slow.  It reminds me I have the power to keep my feet moving forward, and to bear down and get it done!

I'm off for my good night's sleep in preparation for tomorrow! Good night!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Consistency in training is key...but is consistency in training programs??

Ok, so I wasn't feeling the Jeff Galloway program for training for a half marathon.  It's nothing personal against him or the program, but maybe I'm just too new at all of this to jump right into it.  What I felt I was missing was the type of specific instruction for which I was looking.

For example, when you tell me to "Run 30 Minutes," I need to know:

  1. Pace
  2. Can I run/walk?
  3. Is there a distance for which I should be striving?
When you say "Cross-train," I need to know:

  1. Um...what do you recommend?
  2. Is it balls-to-the-wall the whole 30 minutes, or....?
  3. Does lifting weights count?
See?  Specific.  I need specific.  The thing is, I just don't trust myself yet.  I need to make it dummy-proof (rather, ME proof!)  So, after much research (again, I wish research burned more calories), I've decided to change to a program issued by "Walk Jog Run."  It is very user friendly, and you guessed it: very specific in its training guidelines/instruction.  It does have an app for $4.99 to map runs, and the reviews were 4.5/5.0 stars.  However, upon further review noticed users complained because the actual training programs are an additional $5.99.  I've chosen the cheap route for now (since I have commitment issues), and am working strictly off their website (free), and seems to be adequate support for now.  Here's the link for the Half Marathon training program.

Walk Jog Run Beginner 1/2 Marathon Training Program

What do you think?

What do you use?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Change of scenery

I scour the internet for validation that I'm not the only one that has some "bad" runs, left feeling uncoordinated, out of sync, and at the mercy of the devil on my shoulder ready to taunt me out of running at all times.  As it turns out, it seems everyone has a few of these days every now and again! Somehow, call it "misery loves company," I find this comforting and as if I'm still on the right track.

The most positive thing I took away from my research (again, I wish research burned more calories as much as I put into it.  ;)), was no matter how bad I feel my run went, it's absolutely, 100% more than I would have done before, and that alone makes it better.  Awesome!

To help shake out of this rut, I'm looking forward to camping in Ludington, MI this week.  Running the beach, the the ice cream shoppe! HA! I intend to try some "naked" running, that is, running without technology, while there.  Hope to post some of the pics of the breath-taking landscape, too, to reflect on should I find myself in a similar rut in the future. Planning forward! This would be my first vacation ever that I've looked forward to doing anything this active.  AND my family is just as excited with the anticipation of all of it! Couldn't feel better...

In the back of my head, I have that I'm still "training" for that Half in September...I haven't signed up, for fear of the accountability, far my heart is still in it. ;)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Commitment Phobia

Well, as I discussed before, my only races have been less than a handful of 5Ks, with less-than-stellar times.  Recently, I learned due to several reasons, I'm not going to be able to get pregnant and have a child with my husband.  There's a long history to this, and maybe I'll get into it later, but the important you need to know today is that this development has devastated me.  I worked HARD to lose 41 lbs (still have more to go, but this got me to a weight that would make conception more possible) over the recent 5 months to better my chances.  In fact, was irritated I was told I can't run during the fertility treatment process, to better my chances.  Well, now that I can run, I was thinking I have to run.  Like, getting pregnant has been taken from my control, but I can control whether or not I run, how much, how long, and how efficient I become.

With that in mind, I then had 4 weeks until the first anniversary of my inaugural 5K run, and of course wanted to PR (hopefully not hard to do since coming in at over 46 minutes last time).  Then, what next?

I've researched the Detroit Women's 1/2 Marathon and would love to be part of that.  My insecurity still tells me I'm not really a "runner," and not to embarrass myself.  But, with 16 weeks to train, can't I put that in the realm of possibility?

That's where my commitment phobia settles in and has made a home.  If I half-ass approach it, like, well, I'm acting as if I were going to run a 1/2 in 4 months, then maybe I could.  Or, maybe I just "choose" not to at the last minute.  Sigh...

I've read countless blogs where running has given so many others a level of confidence, self-assurance. When will mine begin?  Don't get me wrong, I do acknowledge I've already achieved some level of this, because I keep doing it!  I just want to know that it is ok, more than ok, for me to strive for such a thing as a 1/2 marathon with only a couple 5Ks on my belt.

And...well, really grab a hold of this one thing I can control, and really rock it...

I've researched the training programs, and have decided to follow the Jeff Galloway beginner 1/2 program.  I'm on week one.  I've mostly followed it... My "long run" of 3 miles today.  It's gotten inside my head, man.  I've run 3.1 before, obviously, but because we've dubbed this the "long run," I'm psyched out.  Should I run inside or out?  On the 'mill to control my pace, or outside to practice for the real race?  These decisions keep me here, blogging, instead of working on it...  =P

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Run, walk...fartlek?

So, I learn, against my better judgement, I like running.  Whaaat?!  

I decide, I should do more of it.  I research the benefits of it, how often do people do it, what do you have to do to build endurance, distance, speed...

Tempo runs, long runs, and my fav: fartleks.  WTH?  I thought I had stumbled across the easiest sport in the world, that I could easily just meld into and eventually be a little better at it with some practice.  As it turns out, there's programs.  And programs.  AND PROGRAMS about daily, weekly running habits! 

My whole life I spent a lot of energy not having to be energetic.  For example, since I was in Marching Band, that counted as my PhysEd credit and I didn't have to take gym.  (Thank GOD).  So imagine my surprise that I actually like this jogging/running thing, and love the literature even more!  Runner's World magazines and website is one of my fav sources.  After all, turns out I need to know the difference between a tempo run, a long run, and...a fartlek.  

But...does the novice runner need fartleks? Is me just going and trying to get my 2 miles in every day count for anything?  Will it help me get faster the first anniversary of my first 5K in less than 4 weeks now??  (It's not a tough goal to beat.  Just have to be under 46:13. HA!)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Starting when you're in the middle?

At 38-years-old, I'm not certain it's my "mid-life crisis."  I can tell you I'm sure I feel the difference of this late-bloomer "runner" (still don't feel qualified to categorize myself a runner) versus someone with even an ounce of foundation!

I don't think my story is so unique, though: I was overweight, out of shape, and wanted to be a better role model for my then two-year-old daughter.  I tried all forms of cardio-vascular exercise to boost my weightloss efforts...and loathed all of them: elliptical, Zumba, and especially DVDs (I thought I'd like that the best since I could be more discreet in my own home!).  My husband, a retiree from the Navy, suggested running.  I scoffed.  I chortled.  I said, "No way.  I've never run.  I can't run.  Have you seen these things?! (gesturing to my rather buxom stature)".  He reminds me of this daily.  In June, 2012, I started my walking program, consisting of walking the 1.25 miles around my neighborhood perimeter.  I researched every entry on the web about how to start running.  I always complained that "research" wasn't a better calorie burn, because I would be FIT then! HA!  I digress...I decided on a program that had me walk 5 minutes, run 30 seconds, and so on.  It took me TWELVE minutes to be brave enough to break into a lame trot.  I stared down that ol' stop watch of mine that whole 30 seconds, certain I would die before the time was up.  I MADE IT! I just kept. going.

Now, I have not become that vested runner, with a multitude of races under her belt and blah, blah, blah.  I have only run 4 (maybe 5?).  The first clocked in at 46:43, the last (10 months after the first) at 36:50.  I'm not sure I'll ever be a fast runner, but I'll be one who at least finishes, and at this point on the continuum...I'll take it!

Over the last 12 months, I've lost 42 lbs through diet and exercise, with multiple slip-ups early on, and some medical issues in between.  At first I used My Fitness Pal app, which I loved, then in January of 2013 switched to try Weight Watchers again.  I only do WW Online and LOVE it! It's helped the weight come off and stay off, without as many "two steps forward, one step back" moments.  As a green runner, I had the standard onset of injuries; first my knees, then my shins (to the point of fractures), and now a nagging hip flexor.  It has certainly slowed my progress in building endurance, but I laughed; it's still WAY MORE than I was doing!

Now that the Michigan weather is cooperating (I'm basically a fair-weather runner), I'm able to do a bit more and it feels amazing.  I'm currently training for the anniversary of my inaugural run, a 5K on June 29th.

I'm curious...with so few races (ALL 5K only), is it ridiculous to consider a 1/2 Marathon?  I'm not going to lie; I would be honored to have one of those 13.1 stickers...