Wednesday, April 16, 2014

*GASP* ...7 months later??

Well, it seems the last month of training for my first Half Marathon must have gotten the best of me, hence my abrupt stopping in posting!  I can say, with utmost pride, I finished strong in 2:38!  My goal was under 2:45, so that was pretty exciting!

Since then...I totally fell off track.  With the severe cold and snow this winter, my outdoor running completely came to a stop, and my motivation quickly fell; sporadic trips to the gym at best.  I found myself too embarrassed to come back and check in, LOL!

But I'm back now...for accountability, my desire to be focused, and ...did I say accountability?!

I ran my first 5K of the season on April 12; the Tax Trot in Flushing, MI.  My time this year was 35:45... 58 whole seconds faster than last year's time! HA! It sort of makes me feel back at "Square One," and irritated with myself that I let all of my fitness gained, just go with the winter's cold...  I suppose that doesn't really matter at this point.  The over-used phrase, "It is what it is," totally applies here.  The important thing is that I am back at it, and have a renewed focus on my running goals again.

That said, so far I have only committed to running the Detroit Women's Half again September 21, 2014.  I would like to do the Run The Plank 5K in June, as this is the 3rd anniversary of my first race ever run.  It's fun to see if (how much?) I improve each year!  I'm looking to do a couple other races; perhaps another 1/2...secretly flirting with the idea of a full sometime in my life (ssshhh....).  I need some major confidence building and specific training...which, of course, I have been researching thoroughly all winter (in place of actually doing something :P).  I've also decided to clean up my act, and am slowly transitioning to a clean eating diet.  This was inspired by a coaching program I participated in with Meredith Vieceli...more on that awesome experience later.  I can offer quickly, it was well worth it and I encourage everyone to work with her at some point.

So these are some short-term goals, and some goals in their infancy.  I would like to formulate an actual plan to be working on, as that helps keep me on track (heehee...that never gets old) and I operate better within a framework.

Looking forward to our adventures together again this summer!

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