Tuesday, April 22, 2014

"Don't call it a come back!"

A li'l LL Cool J to celebrate a two-day streak! :D

So last night I decided to get my "can't do it" attitude behind me and get out to do at least one lap around my sub (1.25 miles) to prove I was still in the game.  I did 3 miles instead!  Not fast at all, but I felt like I was pushing to get through it (11:52 average pace).  THEN I was still able to get myself to the gym at 5:30 this morning (a small miracle!) for cross-training!  I'm tired and appropriately sore today and am feeling motivated again to stay on track.

I've decided for the present time to follow the www.walkjogrun.com program for the 20-week beginner full marathon (I can barely type that without laughing out loud!).  It's a very slow progression in building mileage, and I just want to see how far I can get...for now.  Finally coming into warmer weather and spring, it's time I really commit to my goals this season!

Do you have any yet??  Do you just freestyle the whole season?

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