Wednesday, June 3, 2015

National Running Day & a Run Streak

For some reason, I impulsively committed to the Runner's World Summer Run Streak.  It runs (see what I did there?) from Memorial Day to July 4th, and you aim for at least a mile every day.  Seems simple enough...until I don't feel like it after a 12.5 hour shift! LOL!  My longest streak was 5 days, and I'm proud to say I've made it to this, Day 10 of my #RWrunstreak!  Since I knew I had to run today anyway, I'm not sure why "National Running Day" made it more of a certainty, but it did.  I got in 4.25 miles and even had some company for 2 miles of it.
"Come on, Mommy.  You can do it!" ~Vi

Why does my shadow look like that?!? I digress... Anyway.  It's been fun meeting my daily goal.  It's paying off in many areas, too: weight loss, strength, confidence, mental strength... things that aren't necessarily part of my usual state.  

I recently added the "Daily Mile" widget to the blog.  It's kind of fun to track all my info in one spot.  It makes me think I should try and enter all of 2015's data so it looks cooler... *giggle*

I also committed to a fitness challenge with my sister...for 28 days! At its core, it's what I've been trying to incorporate independently, but with a clear yet flexible guide.  It has the clean eating, cardio, and strength training aspects I like, and an online community that is epically supportive.  The best part is she and I are in the same stage of change, simultaneously, and have the same daily challenges! She's another virtual partner of mine, but the accountability and support is better than when I had a physical partner that I saw 5 out of 7 days! I've already seen improvement in her that makes me even more proud of her and even more motivated to keep going.  Granted, it officially started June 1, but we're three days in and going strong! LOL!  We both had a good loss this week, too!  I wasn't so certain I would manage a loss after Ann's milestone breakfast of eggs sardou, roasted potatoes, and 3 (YES 3!!) slices of chocolate cake. Mmmm.....  Guess those daily runs balanced it out pretty well since I was down 3.1! *grin*

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