Friday, July 11, 2014

9 1/2 Weeks

Catchy title, huh?  ;)

Not the psaltry movie, but my remaining training time until my Detroit Women's Half Marathon !!  I don't feel nearly ready...or even on track for that matter. My spine issues really set me back both in physical training, and mental strength.  Fear is setting in..."Can I really do this this year?"  Does this make sense:  I have a strong desire...but little motivation.  How can I have both?? How do you get out of this funk and back to business??

In 10 1/2 weeks, I have a 60-mile BikeMS bike ride, too!  When I agreed to participate in it, (I wasn't having flare ups!) I figured that would be a great cross-training day for my running, biking for my ride! Great theory...not working so much in reality.

Oh, and did I tell you:  I don't have a bike! HAHAHA! (Picture a sinister laugh, because I don't have a hearty one in me right now!)  So today I'm on a mission, continuing to research for bikes (you know that's my second favorite hobby behind running: research!), and planning to purchase one ASAP.  I'm thinking I'd do well with a hybrid bike.  Bear in mind, I'm a runner at heart, so don't prefer to pay $1000 for a bike.  Anyone happy with a happy-medium bike?  A road/commuter style I think would be good for me.  To help get me on schedule, I've even enlisted a friend's help and scheduled a bike ride this weekend.  Of course in the meantime, I'll be actually scheduling my runs, too!

I'll tell you; it's really the oddest sensation inside of me.  My brain and heart really want to go out and run.  My body is telling me, "....are you sure??"  My brain starts second-guessing itself, and another day goes by where I don't get out there.  Is this a funk?? Have you ever experienced anything similar, and what would you suggest to get out of it??

For these next two months, I need to be training, not watching psaltry movies! :P

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