Are you a planner? Do you USE a planner? What works best for you? Paper or electronic?? really have to plan to use a planner now... *eye roll*
Or...I'm once again making a bigger deal out of research than the actual act itself...IDK...
I have struggled in the recent 5 years with hard core switching over to electronic versions of everything, just because it's usually always with me because generally my phone can access it. Dates, appointments, to-do lists (get shoved in the calendar, tasks, or notepad app on my iPhone), contact ALL in my phone.
It's not sexy, though. I mean, say I enter "Girl's Camp Weekend" in my August monthly calendar. I want to be able to write little notes right there associated with it; lists to pack, purchase, or training plans in case those clowns plan another 5K race on our weekend, you know?? My husband has me linked to a couple of "list" apps that he and I can add to, complete, and update virtually so we both know what has been done and what remains...but I don't love it. My brain doesn't always think in segments like that; food in grocery app, packing in another app, things to consider for later....goes where??
You see my dilemma. BUT, I also worry I won't always have my tangible planner with me, then what?
(I just re-read this entry thus far and I'm embarrassed at the first-world-problem nature of it. For the record...)
I've got big goals and dreams brewing this year, and I'm respond well to visual cues for organization. For the first time in quite a few years I have an excitement (which doesn't always = motivation, but you get it) flirting with possibility... Mixed with a little desperation that one day I may not be able to accomplish certain things, calls for focus and optimizing time, money, and ... well, whatever else gets in the way.
So, from my known audience of two, what do you like to use, if anything? What have you found helpful/a waste? Thank you in advance, you know who you are. <3
I think I’m one of the two you were talking about on this post. I struggle with planning too. I have that weird thing with my brain where dates are easily remembered so I typically don’t have to write them down. That being said, my two precious angels have sucked unknown amounts of cognitive ability out of my brain, perhaps even permanently. I don’t have a smart phone with which to schedule everything in one location, though I fantasize about having that ability and being the super mom I really don’t have the energy for. Whether or not it’s even possible is beyond me. I have taken to writing important appts into my work e-mail to alert me a day ahead of when they are to happen, dr’s appts mostly. Corinne’s school provides a monthly calendar for her schedule which I post prominently in kitchen. I don’t have to worry about linking a calendar with Mike since he wouldn’t look at it unless I reminded him. If he happened to glance at it he wouldn’t remember we had planned it days or weeks ahead and would have forgotten all the specifics related to the reminder. He can remember every damn monster from the Star Trek TV series and the back story to every DC and Marvel super hero AND villain but he can’t remember to put in a request for time off during my week of vacation in two weeks in a timely fashion. I digress. Sorry. If I did a real calendar with everyone’s b-day, anniversary, etc., I would have so much more stress in my life. I remember who I need to and wish them well. I don’t have the time (or money, frankly) to buy cards for every single person I would love to send a card to. I remember folks on their b-day and let them know I have if I feel like it. It’s kind of hard to let Elvis’s family know I’ve thought of him on Jan. 8th (and memorialize him on Aug. 16th along with the souls lost (and 1 saved) on flight 255) or that my 4th grade boyfriend’s b-day is this Sunday (I haven’t spoken a word to him since 1986, btw). Not that they'd care anyway. See how that weird brain date remembering thing goes? So much wasted power remembering that Betty Grable’s b-day is Dec. 18th, 1916. I mean, seriously, WTF! As for other appointments, I don’t really have any because I don’t have a church or friends who live near me so my social life is pretty much nil.
Not much help, I know, but I didn’t want to leave you hanging. ♥DD
HAHA! You ARE my 1 of 2!!
I was so tickled to see your comment, and thank you. You should have your own blog, because it's raw, honest, and hilarious. Thank you for the reminder of Elvis's birthday the other day, by the way... ;)
You're right about your weird thing with dates being burned into your brain. I can't count on my brain anymore for appointments. Plus, I enjoy when I can visually see in front of me how the week breaks down, what appointments are scheduled between me, Dan, and Vi, because it makes me feel like I have room to put other things in, like working out, working on a teaching I'm preparing for church, shopping for things, etc... It's crazy to me and embarrassing how I work better scheduling in EVERY activity! Otherwise, I can't rely on on myself, read can't TRUST myself to do what I need to do, let alone want to do... So much lack of self-discipline! ...and a planner's going to fit that! *sarcastic snicker*!!
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