First, the Expo was beyond a good way. I mean, where else can you get these sweet backdrops for photo opportunities?! Vi was thrilled to get a cowbell. Yes, a cowbell. ("I need more cowbell!") I appreciated all the other vendors for some one-stop shopping and adding items to my Wish List.
Perhaps they have the backdrops set up during the Expo so they don't have yahoos trying to get one on the run:
I couldn't resist...
The route was pure excitement. It's more than just the size of the spectator crowd, too. I mean, it's not a loop, exactly, or an out and back. It's literally a tour taking you from near Hart Plaza, across the Ambassador Bridge, along the riverside in Canada where the spectators were just as excited and supportive of the runners. Then through the tunnel, which today provided a bit of warmth and break from the cold wind. This is where I got to see my personal pit crew for the first time, a much-needed surprise, indeed. Vi was yelling, "Go Mommy GOOOOO!" as she clapped and jumped and waved and blew me kisses (purposeful run-on to enhance the importance of each of these activities!)! Shortly after that, I saw some Back-of-the-Pack supporters with signs that made me feel as if I were a legitimate part of this race. Dan and Vi popped out again and I got a high-five and a quick hug. She was so PROUD of me!!! Did she see I was so far in the back?? I guess she did, and it didn't matter. To this particular 5-year-old, I was winning the race. Awesome. AWESOME!!!
Then, the route winds us through some neighborhoods, a little quiet in some places, leaving you with your thoughts of doubt and sounds of other struggling runners perhaps wondering the same thing... But there was GREAT camaraderie felt there. As insecure as I can be, I didn't feel judgement, only an alliance. I swear, it is THIS race that does that for people, and I can't be sure what the magic elixir for this recipe is, only that I want more of it.
Soon enough I find myself making the turn down the final stretch. Dog. Tired. And sore. But because I'm coming in around 3:22, a respectable time for the Full-Marathoners, there's still quite a crowd and even if they aren't cheering for ME, they're cheering LOUDLY! WOW! I had ZERO left in the tank but managed to high-kick it (or my version of it) through the Finish Line! WOOHOO!!! The volunteers, refreshment stations, spectators were essential to this race.
And I earned this!
I EARNED these!! I LOVE that I picked the 13.1 magnet for my car that matches the Lions...who also earned their first win of the season!! *AWE-SOME* (said in sing-song)
I didn't get any race photos, so am praying the Finisher Pix has something half way decent to commemorate this achievement. And yes: despite this being my longest of my four Half Marathons, it is STILL an achievement!
God willing, I WILL be back next year, Detroit Freep!