I often talk about my emotional eating, but this week noticed how that same propensity morphed into an emotional laziness...I felt really unable to exercise this week. I had such an awesome Monday and Tuesday, too...
The thing this week is something happened at work that unfortunately slid over into my personal life, like legitimately, not just me letting it emotionally occur. The potential for a somewhat dangerous situation is always present I guess, as anybody can Google you and find out where you live. That's literally bringing your work home with you! So, long story short, someone came to my home that should not have, and I feel totally violated. Going to the gym doesn't feel like an option right now. I know it's not rational...but sometimes you can't use logical to deal with illogical situations, you know?
My sister said I still don't have to let this sabotage my efforts. I know, I know. I guess the good news is, if any, that I haven't really sabotaged my eating. Small victories, right?
I have a little panic set in when I think about my training, though. Runner's World said going longer than 2 days in between running can begin to not improve endurance, rather just sustain it. I dragged through a painful 4 miles on Monday and was hoping to get through 5 miles at some point this weekend. Having only 1 training session in between doesn't bode well for that. I know that I don't want to give my power over to this situation, and let it ruin my goals. *sigh* I guess when I start to get overwhelmed by the idea of things, I'll try and keep this idea at the forefront of my mind.
Life so easily gets in the way of my training efforts, when I'm trying to make training a regular way of life!
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