Friday, August 16, 2013

Training = TIRED!

I'm embarrassed at the time that's gone by without checking in here! ...or maybe more embarrassed that it's just because I'm so tired!

So, you'll be happy to know it's because I actually did commit myself to training for the Half Marathon that I'm so tired.  On top of it being summer and having family camping weekends planned...  The cool thing about being away, is that I've learned I love getting up early and running through our campground! "Out and back" is a good way to get in some running and see some amazing views!

This was along Lake Michigan in Ludington, MI.  Again, I came to see views like these as my reward for getting up and out!

Ok, so I'm learning a lot about training AND nutrition lately.  Last week, on my scheduled 8-mile run, I probably came close to dangerously dehydrated...and I'm not sure I was properly fueled to begin with.  I started later in the morning, so it was hotter.  This Michigan weather has not been too consistently hot this summer, so perhaps I wasn't appropriately conditioned to it that morning.  Anyway, before mile 3, I had to stop and walk.  I haven't had to stop and walk in months.  I had done the previous weeks 7-mile run without walking, so I was shocked at my need to do this.  I'll also admit that that moment seriously got into my attitude started plummeting.  That may have been what made the rest of the run so hard, too.  I only had 20 oz of water with me, and it took me 01:44. That = not enough fluid! I had hydrated prior, but....apparently not enough.  I also used one serving of GU and 45 mins later a serving of Honey Stinger gels...and apparently not enough water with each.  Let me tell you: I learned my lesson.  I will not be caught in that situation again.

My plan:

  • Long runs will be done first thing in the morning, as early as it takes to be cooler.
  • Much more attention paid to my hydrating and fuel.
  • Start appropriately carb-loading or long runs!
I swear lack of sufficient stored glycogen was my problem (from what I've researched).  For my diet, I had been really focused on lean proteins and fiber...less carbs.  

My friend over at Pounds to Miles posted a great article about nutrition that really helped me understand my body's needs as a runner.  I absolutely recommend this for your training and racing needs!

I very often "blog" in my head on my runs.  I will be making more of an effort to make sure I actually get those thoughts, ideas, and experiences to my actual blog! 

Happy running!

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