I don't think my story is so unique, though: I was overweight, out of shape, and wanted to be a better role model for my then two-year-old daughter. I tried all forms of cardio-vascular exercise to boost my weightloss efforts...and loathed all of them: elliptical, Zumba, and especially DVDs (I thought I'd like that the best since I could be more discreet in my own home!). My husband, a retiree from the Navy, suggested running. I scoffed. I chortled. I said, "No way. I've never run. I can't run. Have you seen these things?! (gesturing to my rather buxom stature)". He reminds me of this daily. In June, 2012, I started my walking program, consisting of walking the 1.25 miles around my neighborhood perimeter. I researched every entry on the web about how to start running. I always complained that "research" wasn't a better calorie burn, because I would be FIT then! HA! I digress...I decided on a program that had me walk 5 minutes, run 30 seconds, and so on. It took me TWELVE minutes to be brave enough to break into a lame trot. I stared down that ol' stop watch of mine that whole 30 seconds, certain I would die before the time was up. I MADE IT! I just kept. going.
Now, I have not become that vested runner, with a multitude of races under her belt and blah, blah, blah. I have only run 4 (maybe 5?). The first clocked in at 46:43, the last (10 months after the first) at 36:50. I'm not sure I'll ever be a fast runner, but I'll be one who at least finishes, and at this point on the continuum...I'll take it!
Over the last 12 months, I've lost 42 lbs through diet and exercise, with multiple slip-ups early on, and some medical issues in between. At first I used My Fitness Pal app, which I loved, then in January of 2013 switched to try Weight Watchers again. I only do WW Online and LOVE it! It's helped the weight come off and stay off, without as many "two steps forward, one step back" moments. As a green runner, I had the standard onset of injuries; first my knees, then my shins (to the point of fractures), and now a nagging hip flexor. It has certainly slowed my progress in building endurance, but I laughed; it's still WAY MORE than I was doing!
Now that the Michigan weather is cooperating (I'm basically a fair-weather runner), I'm able to do a bit more and it feels amazing. I'm currently training for the anniversary of my inaugural run, a 5K on June 29th.
I'm curious...with so few races (ALL 5K only), is it ridiculous to consider a 1/2 Marathon? I'm not going to lie; I would be honored to have one of those 13.1 stickers...
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