DD and I finally got an official timed 5K under our belts this summer! We ran in the Run for the Hills race in Farmington Hills, MI.
We both went into this race with similar goals. Of course, a time PR is always fantastic, but we had aspirations to simply run the whole 3.1 without stopping. *sigh* I remember this being my goal nearly 3 years ago... That goal having to be the same now, 3 years later, makes me kind of bummed out, buuuuuuut... I DO acknowledge I'm happy I can still be doing that much now.
I digress...
We did it! We ran the whole 3.1, powered through all the hills, finished strong, AND got in under 40 minutes! Certainly not a PR for either of us, but for this summer, that counts!
We have both encountered our own set of challenges through which to navigate and find the motivation to do it anyway. I'm pretty proud of our effort. It's rarely easy, I think, for parents to find the time to go out for 30-45 minutes 5 days/week and train/run. Kids and their needs can at times be unpredictable; add weather, our own health, a good t.v. show *HAHA*...and walla! No run that day. The excuses are plentiful, but we're doing SOMEthing anyway. HUZZAH!
We're looking forward to participating in the Run for the Wild 5K at the Detroit Zoo in four weeks. That'll be a nice short-term goal to ensure keeping at our training and an opportunity to look for improvement. I'm actually going to do the 10K that day, as that's on my training schedule with my Detroit Women's Half the following Sunday!
For me, race season is just now beginning. I had planned:
Run for the Hills
Run for the Wild
Detroit Women's Half Marathon
Detroit Freep International Half Marathon (My first ever!)
Red Run (My first ever, still a possibility)
Scrumpy Skedaddle (My first ever)
Kona Chocolate Double
Turkey Trot
This definitely keeps me running! Well, forces me to keep TRYING to run even when I don't feel like it. I have noticed I need to schedule much longer and more frequent rest periods (i.e., nap time) to accommodate these efforts. Again, bums me out a little, but I keep at it...
This race season has me excited!