First: The Expo
The Expotique held at Cobo Hall was a fantastic venue. This race has a unique secondary gain that other races just don't have: the support, encouragement, and strength that is gathered among these participants, vendors, and organizers is insurmountable. I cannot say enough about this race: I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT! There were so many amazing vendors, so in the interest of time...and well, interest, I'll narrow it to just a couple of my favs!
I got to meet in person Heather Durocher of Michigan Runner Girl, who also wrote the amazing article of me for Another Mother Runner a couple of months ago! She's a sweet, genuine woman who shares her passion of running and basically any activity this great state of Michigan has to offer. It was such a pleasure to meet her and am looking forward to "running" into her again!

<----We painted a picture with the assistance of Paint and Pour! Here's my sister, Audrey-Jo, as we're creating our Women Run the D masterpiece!
----> Here's what it is supposed to look like. I'll spare you how mine turned out. Let's just say painting apparently isn't my forte'...but it was so much fun and a unique piece of swag!
Fellow Flowers is another popular vendor, as their message is so strong; that clarity of purpose is our strongest power and creating a clear and true path to self-realization. BEAUTIFUL! Here's one of my favs (that I have yet to purchase!!):
If you've been following me at all, you know that they must've written this just for me. It still brings tears to my eyes and creates a fire in belly!
Race Day:
We set our alarms for 5:00 a.m., in time to wake up and hear it DOWN-POURING. I've never run in such rain and was curious to see what it would be like (besides sucking. I've read others say what a "cleansing" act it was...I just don't know about that). Audrey-Jo and her two boys stayed the night to caravan with us to Belle Isle, as she's pushing them in her double-stroller in the 5K (side note: she hasn't formally completed a 5K since April! She's nervous about this...I know she's a Rock Star and will finish awesome). My Aunt Vicki also stayed with us as she's partnering with me in the Half, her first ever! We take off in the rain at 6:00, still dark, a balmy 64 degrees. Luckily, traffic is in our favor and we arrive on time. The parking was slightly confusing, but plentiful and accommodating. I would be remiss if I didn't mention this, although it pains me to have to have to acknowledge any negative about this event. But, there were not as many port-a-johns at the Start/Finish lines this year, and the lines were painfully long. They were strategically placed along the route, though, which was MUCH appreciated! There were a few vendors out that morning, but I was too excited to browse. There seemed to be one strong down-pour while waiting, then the skies cleared for a beautiful backdrop to our races just in time! The wind, however, sucked. I have no other glamorous way to put it: that whole island, and it was seemingly in your face the whole time! Dang it!
The 1/2 started in waves this year, and because of my lack of training and conditioning, I knew I belonged in the last wave, 3. I was easily in the zone, and just excited for our horn to sound. My aunt likes the strategy of running one mile, then walking for 1 minute. We did that and for 6 miles, I felt really strong. There were aid stations right when I needed them, offering water, Heed, and gels. After that, I was feeling the tired setting in. We walked a little longer, slowed our pace, and plugged along. I kept encouraging her to go ahead, since she just finished the 10-Mile Crim a month ago under 2 hours, she could have rocked this race! She insisted we made a pact, and stayed with me. Somewhere along mile 10 I had to stop and stretch. This is something I never had to do mid-race before! Whaaat?! I was embarrassed. I laughed so I wouldn't cry. My mental game was winning. "You are done. Nice try. You can't even see out of one eye, what did you expect would happen? " I just wanted my aunt to go on, I was so embarrassed. But she stayed. Never wavered, and never made me feel I was holding her back. I thought, "Well, if she's that committed to me, I can commit to at least finishing." We were hovering so long around being able to get in under 3 hours, that idea was tempting to get my butt in gear. As we took off again, my left arm was cramping up; also embarrassing as that is a visible sign of this disease that I can otherwise hide.
I saw Dan and Vivian at least 4 times on the route, which kept me going. I wanted Vi to see me, see me moving, and see me finishing. At every pass I saw her, she ran right up to me and through herself on me, forcing me to carry her a couple steps. She was infusing energy into me and didn't even know it! The last loop I saw them before the finish, she insisted, "Mommy! I want to run with you!" and ran along side me for probably 40 feet before Dan snatched her up so my aunt and I could continue. What an amazing 4-year-old!!
At just before mile 13, as I was telling my aunt I can't do it, I saw my friends, Ann and DeeDee holding signs of encouragement. I can't remember what they said right now, but I know it made me want to push. Through tears I called them names for surprising me for being there, and tried to go stronger. DeeDee, six months-ish pregnant, comes running along side of me for a stretch. I couldn't even get my laugh out as she was strolling along, easily, with a baby in her belly, alongside me who was struggling to walk normal. My aunt said, "There's the Finish Line!" and grabbed my hand...I think literally dragging me that last quarter-mile, across the Finish Line at 02:59:36. We did it. Under 3 hours....WE DID IT!!! OH MY GOD!!!
I honestly felt delirious for a little while. I was trying not to give in to my spasming muscles, trying to internalize the accomplishment I was supposed to be feeling, but still kind of scared at what I was experiencing. Last year, finishing in 2:38:12, I recall telling Dan I felt I could do it again. I felt euphoric! I was waiting for those sensations again...and as my loved ones gathered around me to support me and congratulate me, I finally felt it settling in. I was dizzy from it...or that I still couldn't see out of my left eye...but began to feel amazing. Like the "Wonder Woman" my daughter thinks I am. THAT will carry me through the physical pain, the recovery, and spark the desire to continue to efforts.
So thank you to Epic Races for another fantastic race, seamlessly executed, and inspiring us to live to our potential. I'll definitely see you next year!
Thank you, Aunt Vicki, for committing to our pact, me, and getting us across that Finish Line! Sharing this experience with you was one I haven't shared with anyone else.
Thank you, Audrey-Jo for believing in yourself enough to try this event. YOU were a Wonder Woman this weekend! No training, pushing a double-stroller, by yourself...and leaving with a desire for more!! I'm excited to share the next part of our journey together.
Ann and DeeDee: ..."thank you" seems lame compared to what you both went through to come and cheer me on, support me, and help me accomplish this goal. You are my oldest and dearest friends...and continue to show me why. I love you both!
Dan. I can't write anything without crying. I don't even think you read this blog, but I would like for you to know that I acknowledge none of this would happen without you. You are the backbone to this effort, encouraging me, checking my attitude when I insist I can't do it, driving me, showing our daughter what it is like to have a goal and meet it, and believing in me...endlessly. I love you...more.
Vivian, YOU ROCK! As much as I am YOUR biggest fan, I feel your admiration and desire to do the same things. It's in large part because of you that I will continue to push and model that you should always at least TRY to do something...even if it's not pretty or the best. Look how cool it is when you at least try. :) I love you and thank you for continuing to inspire and motivate me.
Aunt Vicki, me, Audrey-Jo |