I had a goal of getting at least 15 miles in this week...a bit aggressive for me at this time of year, buuuut... I DID IT! It has felt so good to really get back into the regularity of "training," especially when we finally have some color on our run!

- Race organizers provided a seamless event; participants and supporters knew exactly where to go and when, minimizing confusion and race-day jitters
- Plenty of porta-johns!
- Friendly bag check
- Smiling volunteers at every turn and straight-a-way
- Undeniably beautiful course on Belle Isle...this year a Michigan State Park
- Water and Hammer Nutrition at every mile (I only trained with Hammer Nutrition gels and HEED sports drink because the race said that's what they would provide. However, I was very pleasantly surprised to learn this product was way easier in my digestive tract than GU, and offered more sustained energy than Honey Stinger (even though I like them, too!). It's become my go-to source for fuel and supplements!)
- The "Chocolate Mile" sponsored by Sanders Fine Chocolates...OMG. Dark chocolate salted caramels right when you needed it...need I say more??
There were plenty of more goodies, which were totally awesome, including the expo on packet-pick-up day the day before. I just can't say enough about the feeling of empowerment and "can-do" that Epic Races and Women Run the D portrayed that day. I completed my very first Half Marathon that day, in large part, I believe, because of the support all along the course, and participants really felt cared for by the race presenters.
So far, I've recruited at least two more Half Marathoners, and am working on 5Kers. If you're even considering this for one SECOND, sign up and do it. You will not be disappointed!